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LeeAnna Kalscheur - Sponsorship Co-Director

Chad Bell - Sponsorship Co-Director


The EBA strives to keep our registration fees as low as possible while ensuring the best possible experience for the families in our program. One way we help offset these costs is by creating sponsorship opportunities for local businesses that want to support the Edina Basketball Association. These sponsorships are a great way to ‘give back’ while also providing an excellent promotional opportunity for your business.  

We want every kid; no matter their financial situation to be able to play the great sport of basketball and your sponsorship dollars help make this possible. We hope you will consider joining our team in being contributing sponsor this year.


Gold Level - $750 (Allows you to sponsor one Travel Team)

Your company name and logo along with your company’s website link on the EBA's sponsor page; your company logo imprinted in one color on a team's warm-up shirts; your company logo on your team's website page; signage at our Travel Tournaments and signage and visibility at the City of Edina 4th of July parade that you are a supporter of the Edina Basketball program. The Edina Basketball Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.




OFFLINE PAYMENT: Payment by check is always preferred. Make payable to the Edina Basketball Association and send to the address below.

Edina Basketball Association
PO Box 390661
Edina, MN 55439

ONLINE PAYMENT: The EBA accepts credit card and e-payments using Square. CLICK HERE to access our Square site and proceed to the 'Make a Donation' section at the bottom of the homepage. Specify the amount and click the 'Donate' button. The amount will be added to your shopping cart. Click on the shopping cart and follow the prompts to process your payment.